Minicurso UAV NAV

Minicurso: “Navegação e Planejamento de Missões de VANTs”
Trilha de PD&I
Local: Laboratório de Virtualização do ICOMP


Público alvo: Alunos de graduação finalistas, pós-graduação ou profissionais das áreas de engenharia, computação e afins. É importante ter algum conhecimento sobre veículos robóticos, principalmente sobre técnicas de roteamento, e controle de sistemas.

Resumo: The interest and research in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) has been increasingly growing, specially due to the decrease in cost, weight, size and better performance of actuators, sensors and processors. Considering the wide range of applications that can benefit from these vehicles, UAVs clearly have their niche, which cannot be fulfilled by other types of mobile robots. In this context, the planning of paths that are either length or time optimized plays a fundamental role. On this tutorial we will cover different aspects of this problem. Initially, we present the basics concepts on representation and kinematics models. Next, we will focus on classical motion planning techniques, followed by specific algorithms that consider the kinematic and dynamic constraints of the vehicles. Finally, we discuss the challenges and present results considering the use of multiple vehicles.

Carga horária: 10 h
Vagas: 40
IMPORTANTE! Conflita com a oficina de R.O.S. da trilha de PD&I e com as Oficinas 1 e 2 da trilha de educação.